Please click play as you scroll through by Blog- Theme Music

The sound clip is the type of music we want to use on are finished film opening, it has a dark atmosphere and will suit a stalker with a hiden identity.

Sunday, 31 January 2010


Picture of Stalker, Ben Summerton, myself.

We have choosen to use me as the stalker due to my figure, being taller then lauren, with a more stocky build and physic. Another thing we took into consideration is my facial hair, we think it will give a good effect on the stalkers age, which will make it suit character more and give a stalker effect.

I am roughly 6ft. Around 12.4 stone

Friday, 29 January 2010

Audience feedback analysis

The genre we all were happy with, as we orginally wanted our film to be a thriller with dark scenes and mystery, we are happy with making the film a thriller.

We were unsure on the target audience so far, but once we all looked at simliar films that would suit our genre we have decided that the film should be mainly aimed at males between the age of 15 to 24 as they are the young adult age range, and are mainly interested i thrillers and action based films.

The potential problems with our film are that the stalker will be hard to recreate, but we have a few ideas from the embeded video on my blog. Aslong as the stalkers identity is kept undercover and hiden the stalker will be effective. We disagree with the CCTV being hard to recreate as we have a real clear idea of where the camera is going to be placed to create the right look and effect that we desire. Although the film will take alot of time to edit, we hope it is going to be worth the time and effort. The storyline is quite sterotypical as its a victime being stalked, but the way we will have flashbacks and small details will make the film less sterotypical and more of a action thriller.

We are all pleased with the postive comments we have achieved and feel that they are the main parts of our storyline and hopefully will all link togther to create a successful film opening.

We have used the advice of delevoping the plot further, such as adding the four scenes of stalking before our orginal killing intense scene. We have thought of a few music ideals, it will have to be quite bassy like a heart breat, but we will have diiferculties finding one with out a copyright issue. The timing will have to be perfect, due to the darkness setting in earlia then normal, we might be able to film darker scenes earlia in the day, which will be convinient.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Shot Diary

Shot Diary

This will help us with are time management, we can use this structure to know where we currently are with progress of filming etc and keep use looking forward and achieve same targets and goals.


Picture of Victim, Lauren Harrison.

We have choosen lauren as she is quite petite, small and can look very innocent. she can also look very mature which we obviously need as she will be the grand home owner.

Lauren is roughly 5ft 8inch.

The Silent Following PhotoMontage

We have taken pictures to create the scenes and views we want to create, if viewing the Photo Montage use the description we have generated for the thumbnails to make the pictures more clear and easy to follow.

The pictures are of the scenes and angles we want to use and film.

The Silent Following Photo Montage


Our thumbnails are shots that we shall record excaltly, such as a extreme close up of the key hole etc. We shall use the thumbnails whilst recording to keep track of our filiming processes.

We have completed our thumbnails for are film The Silent Following, a few new ideas have been created and have been adapted into the thumbnails, such as a new scene including the trainstation, where the stalker watchs the victim, Lauren, get off a train and leave to her home.

We shall upload the thumbnails soon :)

Friday, 22 January 2010

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback

Audience Profile

Audience Profile

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Top 10 Horror Killers

These are a few examples of killers, as we are doing a stalker it maybe a idea to make the stalker have a mask with scary props such as sharp weapons etc to make them more scary and effective character.

We have decided to move away from the classic killer sterotype of the dark mask and gorey facial features, that are in the video as this effect is hard to create and will not suit are genre. The classic kilers are in horror genre films which have violent killings and gore and death. As the film we are creating is a thriller we dont necesiary need the scary mask, we only need the stalkers identity to be kept unknown and away from the audience to create the dark atmosphere.

Top 10 Horror killers

Potential Film Title Ideas

Paranormal Behaviour
The stalker
The door that opened
Silent whisper
For whom the bell tolls
Ride the lightening
Fade to darkness
Silent passage
Silent killing
Silent House
The Silent House
A Silent House
Silent Stairs
The stalking
Pulse adrenaline
The Taking
Destruction of faith
The follower
The following
The Silent Following
The Seventeenth
Unlucky number seven
Silent Summer
Winter Blood
Blood Winter
Cold Blood
The Settler
Confident Killer

We have decided to use the Tittle as 'The Silent Following' we all think that this will compliment the film as a stalker and victim killing, but not give it away too clearly from the tittle.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Moodboard- Stalker & Victim

A stalker & Victim moodboard has jason bourne as in his films although he is killing people in his way and commiting crime, he is always in a strong dominate postion and is always in control. The Nightmare on Elm street is for the dark silloutte figure that we want to keep the killer/stalker unidentified. The use of a prop weapon dragging on the floor is for when the killer/stalker is in control and is confident in the killing and is controled and slow in the situation.

Moodboard- Gangster

I have created a moodboard for a Gangster type genre, with scenes of guncrime, strong physical figures, tough characters, drug related crimes and money.

We have decided against this idea as it would be to differcult to recreate a idea without good props and real goodmise en scene such as dark locations etc.

Friday, 8 January 2010

View of 4 Angles on CCTV

CCTV camera angle idea

During are film opening of the stalker vs. victim we want to try to use the point of view of CCTV, this will add a element of unknowning as it will further the unidentified stalker and add types of suspence as they can see the images unveal.

We want the CCTV to be jumpy, as its not high quality CCTV and has gaps and types of glitching so it doesnt run smnoothly which will then add a effect of paranormal activity and mysterious movement.

Film opening Coursework

We have created a thumbnail which is a low detailed storyboard that we will use when we are on location to keep all filming on track. We have now laid out the storyline to our film opening. The opening has two characters, the Stalker and the victim. The victim lives in a large house and has been filmed in secret by the stalker, the stalker has been filming the victims movements, such as going to the shop, walking home etc... The stalker is seemingly spotted in the garden in a series of flashbacks of the victim, then the stalker calls.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Shameless opening sequence analysis

To analyse opening sequences i chose the opening to Shameless series 3 as i feel it follows many of the conventions you would expect to see.
Firstly, within the opening sequence you will discover the main character that is going to be in the program. This main character is quite obviously Frank Gallagher, as he is doing the commentary to introduce you to his family and friends. From the opening sequence, you can tell this character and the majority of the people he has gone through and named are going to be important in the program, and going to play a vital role, without even watching the program itself.
Secondly, mise-en-scene is used to exaggerate the genre of the drama and make it clear to the audience what should be expected. For example, when Karl, Franks son, is shown you see him holding a condom. From this prop you can presume that the program is maybe going to be a bit rude and explicit, but also quite humerous at the same time. Furthermore, you see Debbie in daylight stealing something. The way its shown in daylight automatically shows she is not bothered about getting caught and is going to be quite mischevious - this is then followed when she gets stopped by the police in full uniform and doesnt seem to phased by the fact she has been caught. Similarly, at the end of the sequence you see a lot of people with a police car, this use of props and costume implies that the drama is going to contain a lot of crime and maybe some violence.
In most opening sequences, you tend to also get a recap of the previous episode. However, as this is the opening to a brand new series it is slightly different but still following a similar convention. As some people may of forgot what happened in the previous series, Frank is running through what each character is doing at the moment and 'where they stand' within the program. This is useful as it helps people put the characters into perspective and to remind them of what is going in within the story line to help welcome them into the new series.
Also, there is a theme tune, which is common within all TV Dramas. This makes the audience automatically know that the programme is about to start, or if you were in another room it would be an interpellation - therefore grabbing our attention. However, it is not as distinct in this opening as Frank is doing a voice over, but it is still there and would be recognisable to any Shameless watcher.
And, as with near enough all TV dramas the name of the programme is shown within the opening titles. SHAMELESS is in big letters at the very end with the name of the creater underneath - which is another common convention. Normally, there would be some directors, producers or actors/actresses names, but that may be because there's been a lot of talking and a lot to take in from the opening credits, so they have kept it simply by just using the creators name to finalise the titles.

Saturday, 2 January 2010


My Group, Ben & Jamie. we have decided to produce a film opening. Our openin is going to be eitha crime drama, such as the Jason Bourne series of films. Are other idea is a scary film such as the crazies, which is short sharp clips with a high intencity to keep the audience on edge.

The Crazies